Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan. 24-Blues

Safety and Character Development

Any one that has donations to the homeless shelter, Please bring as many clothes as possible that you're willing to donate

Anyone attending the FTX if you have not turned in your form 31 and 20$- remember to do so on thursday! Must be turned in by THIS THURSDAY!!

Banquet- taking names and payment(15$ per person)

Remember testing is always available on-line! We need to keep promoting and get the motivation back up!! If you need help with some studying go up your chain of command and ASK FOR HELP!

Phoenix Cadet Squadron!
Second to NONE!!


VFacer said...

I will be there.

a mabey said...

All 3 Mabeys will be there

BFacemyer said...

i will be at the meeting and would like to take a leadership test.

ALindgren17 said...

I will be there and I would like a board thanks *~*

Brandi Lindgren said...

I will be there!

Kyle Coffman said...

Coffman will be there

M. Bracken said...

I will be there

Unknown said...

I will be there...

J Spencer said...

I will be there

r3bennett said...

Both Bennett's will be there tonight.