Sunday, June 24, 2012

PT Night - June 28th, 2012

It is PT night. Lets have some fun and get those PT tests passed. Bring a friend, call a fellow cadet, and as always make sure you are there.

Even though it is summer, remember testing is always available on-line.

Good Job and welcome back to all of those who participated at Encampment!

Phoenix Cadet Squadron - Second to None!


T.Nelson said...

I will be there

J-Dodge said...

I will be there

kearney said...

I will be there and i would like to take my drill test.

VFacer said...

I will be there.

A Forbes said...

MSgt Forbes and 1LT Forbes will be there.

J Spencer said...

cadet sencer will be there

r3bennett said...

SM and Airman Bennett will not be there Thursday unless the alternate campsite for our Church's youth conference burns down like the original campsite burned down.

j said...

C/amn Jacob will be there.

M. Bracken said...

I will not be there.

ALindgren17 said...

I will be there.

Brandi Lindgren said...

I will be there

zdavis said...

ill be there for an hour or so

K.VanDam said...

I wont be there>