Aerospace Night - Uniform of the Day is BDUs
We have several cadets who will be taking boards (and passing them) - don't forget to sign up to make sure you get on the schedule.
Testing is available -
We have Basic Communication User Training (B-CUT) scheduled for March 13 at 0800. More information to come - but plan ahead so you can attend. (This is required training for the ES Comm Team)
We will be conducting an inspection tonight of your uniform. Make sure your ready (pressed, boots shined, hair cuts, etc...)
See you on Thursday Night - and remember - "Phoenix Cadet Squadron - Second to None!!"
Saturday, February 27, 2010
March 4th
Posted by mfernandez at 9:04 AM 8 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
February 25th
PT Night - as aways, come and have some fun.
Also, to be promoted, you need to take the CPFT test (PT Test) - its not hard and it is required.
If your a new Cadet or Senior Member - check on to eServices and complete your OPSEC as soon as possible. The link is:
Phoenix Cadet Squadron - Whoo RAA!!
Posted by mfernandez at 10:58 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
February 18th
Character Development Week - uniform of the day is Blues
Note: If you don't have a set of blues, wear your "Sunday" best
Testing and Boards are available - Have you tested lately?
February 19th (Friday) - The Color Guard is having a Fund Raiser Activity - Buy a Little Caesars Pizza from the 3950 West 5400 South location and part of the purchase price comes back to the team. See SM Facemyer for details. Come out and support your Color Guard!!
This weekend (Saturday - February 20th) at 0800, We are hosting a Emergency Services 101 Card Class. (The 101 Card is a basic requirement for all CAP members to participate in any Emergency Services activity) - If you plan on being part of the Squadron Communication Team, plan on attending this training.
Phoenix - SECOND TO NONE!!
Posted by mfernandez at 10:20 AM 10 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February 11
Aerospace Week - uniform of the day is BDUs
Testing is available - remember to let someone know you want to test or you will not be able to.
We are working on re-scheduling O-Flights. We'll keep you informed as soon as we hear anything.
Posted by mfernandez at 1:29 PM 8 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
February 6
O-Flights are still on (as of now) - Check with C/Lt Pratt for your flight time.
Uniform of the day is BDUs - (Dress warm)
Congratulations to C/SSgt Daily - Phoenix Cadet of the Year
Side Note: Color Guard is practicing at the Wing Building and Painting the Comm Room afterwards. If you would like to stop by, I'm sure they would love the help and support.
Phoenix - Second to None!!
Posted by mfernandez at 6:02 PM 0 comments