Saturday, June 22, 2013

Next Meeting: Thursday 27 June 2013
1900 to 2100 hrs

Location: West Jordan Armory
7563 South Airport Road
West Jordan, Utah

Physical Training
Uniform of the Day: PT gear

Welcome back from the Desert Hawk Encampment!


1. Check in right here to let us know if you will make it on Thursday. There is no testing on PT nights, except of course for on line testing which is always available.

2. Colorado Cadet Leadership School, see recent blog entries for details.

3. FLYING: We are going glider flying at the end of this month, see last week's blog for details.

Phoenix, you are, SECOND TO NONE!


Benjamin Holt said...

Cadet Holt will be there.

J-Dodge said...

It has been a while but I will be there. Time to start going back to CAP.

Mesesan said...

I will be there.

VFacer said...

I will be there.

Unknown said...

I will be there

Unknown said...

Great Encampment. I will be there.

Calvin said...

C/2nd Lt Haskins, C/TSgt Haskins, C/Amn Haskins will be there.

r3bennett said...

2nd Lt. Bennett will be there tonight.

E. Batt said...

I will not be able to come this week, but I will be back soon.

Unknown said...

Major Seymour will be there