Monday, July 16, 2012

Character Development / Safety - Blues - July 19th, 2012

Character Development and Safety. Make sure you are at the meeting, you need Safety and Character Development to promote. Bring a friend, call a fellow cadet, and make sure you get yourself there.

We have some cadets and senior member's who are going to NESA. We hope they have fun and learn a lot to bring back to teach the squadron. Safe travels to all of them.

Phoenix Cadet Squadron - Second to None!


Lt. Facemyer said...

Female senior member Facemyer will be the only Facemyer attending due to NESA.

T.Nelson said...

I will be there and i need a drill and board

A Forbes said...

C/MSgt Forbes, one of CAP's newest Rangers, will be there.

1LT Forbes won't be.

E. Batt said...

Batt will be there.

M. Bracken said...

I will be there.

VFacer said...

I will be there.

J Spencer said...

i will be there

r3bennett said...

Senior Member Bennett and Airman Bennett will be there.

E. Batt said...

May I have a drill test this Thurday?
This is Batt

kearney said...

I will be there and i would like to take my drill test for my next rank

J-Dodge said...

i will be there

j said...

Cadet Jacob will be there-