Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dec 18 Meeting - last meeting of the year

For this year's last meeting, we are having our moral leadership meeting, and the uniform will be Blues.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cadet Holiday party

Happy Holiday's

Cadet Christmas Party
After Wreaths Across America
The Niedfeldt's House
10388 N. Hidden Oak Drive
Phone Number (801)756-5599
Lots of food and fun!
Must RSVP to:
Capt. Butterfield (801)599-6796
Lt. Niedfeldt (801)756-5599
Squadron Commanders

Talk to Capt Butterfield, Lt Niedfeldt, or Capt Simper for date, time & meeting place.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Phoenix Cadets at the Wing Cadet Competition

Standard Drill

Outdoor Presentation

Reporting to the Judges

On November 22, 2008, the Phoenix Cadet Squadron Color Guard Team participated in the 2008 Color/Honor Guard Competition held at the Wing Headquarters building. The team, lead by C/SMSgt L. Stewart, included C/SrA Q. Mount, C/Amn T. Baker and C/Amn T. Bell. The yearly competition included a formal inspection, both an outdoor and indoor presentation, a mile run and a written test. Although we did not win the competition, the team did an outstanding job representing the squadron and valuable experience was gained. The long day of competition ending with a formal military dinning out, hosted by the Wing, where awards were given for Best Overall Team, Best Written Score, and Best Run Time, to name a few. --SM Mike Frenandez

Wreaths Across America Updates

The Wreaths Across America ceremony on Saturday has been moved from the Riverton Community Center to the Veterans Memorial Cemetery. From the Wing Project Officer:
Cadets are needed in Both BDU and Blues.
As the Wreaths are fresh evergreen, they will produce sap. We need approximately 7-10 cadets in BDUs to aid in sorting and distributing the wreaths
Honor Guard members are asked to wear Full ceremonials.
We need: 5 cadets for the Opening Colors ( Standard Color Guard, Nothing Fancy)
5 needed for the Branch Hymns and
7 Needed to place the ceremonial wreaths.
They can all be the same cadets as they have sufficient time between "gigs"
Choir will have access to the facilities at 0830 (Color guard will work around the choir)
Senior members will be needed to assist in safety. The weather is expected to turn to snow and cold temperatures. Although the ceremony will be indoors, the placement of these wreaths will be in the elements please have your cadets dress accordingly.

Tour this week!

We are touring at the Utah Air Natl Guard. All cadets and visitors attending MUST bring a form of ID to be admitted on the tour. All members must bring their CAP ID card. Visitors need their School ID or a drivers license. The uniform is Blues. Meet at the squadron building at by 6:30pm on Thursday, Dec 11.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec 4 Meeting

We are doing PT at the Kearns Olympic Oval at 5662 S. Cougar Lane (4800 W). Uniform is our PT uniform. Bring your best running shoes! We will be meeting early next week so we can travel to the airport and be there by 7 PM. We will meet at at 6:30 PM and carpool to the airport. Make sure your uniform is ironed and looks sharp!